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Top 5 Home Exercises for Busy Professionals

Mar 05, 2023

Hectic schedules, meetings, family time, and meals can leave very little time for taking care of your body. Whether you work from home or the office, as a busy professional, it’s easy to prioritize your career only to drain all your time and energy before you can hit the gym.

Over time, your muscles, joints, and ligaments get accustomed to the lack of movement and become stiff and sore, leading you to seek chiropractic and physiotherapy for relief. The good news is that with at-home exercises, you can combine convenience with healthy movement to regain strength and mobility. 


Deskercise combines stretches and exercises easily performed sitting or standing at your desk. They improve strength and flexibility and relieve tension from prone positions. 

The following are a few examples of deskercise that you can try:

  • Neck and shoulder stretches
  • Torso twists
  • Squats
  • Standing calf raises
  • Water bottle arm curls, reverse flys, and overhead presses
  • Leg lifts forward, to the side, and back

Many people converted to an adjustable desk that automatically changes height at the touch of a button. It allows them to easily change positions from sitting to standing while giving them access to a broader range of movements without interrupting their work day.

Wall Sits

Wall sits form two right angles, from the hip and the knee, and helps to strengthen the quadriceps, develop core muscles, and improve balance. 

First, wear running shoes for stability and to prevent your feet from slipping. Then, with your shoulders squared and your feet shoulder-width apart, slide your back down the wall until you are in a sitting position.

Beginners can hold for 10 to 20 seconds.

Intermediate can hold for 30 to 40 seconds.

Advanced can hold for 60+ seconds.


Lunges involve extending one foot forward with a bended knee to a maximum 90-degree angle while the other remains stretched behind with the knee almost touching the floor— kind of like stepping over a large puddle. They target all the lower body muscles, including the legs, buttocks, and hips, and are particularly beneficial when you’ve been sitting all day. 

Again, with your legs shoulder width apart, extend one foot forward, ensuring your knee does not pass the tip of your toe while leaving the other leg in place. Ensure your torso remains upright with your arms extended for balance. Then, change legs.

Beginners should start slow, dipping only as far as they are comfortable. As your strength increases, the deeper you can take your lunge. However, be careful not to overextend and damage your knees.


Walking is an excellent, low-impact cardio exercise with many health benefits in as little as 30 minutes. They include:

  • Improved heart health
  • Increased energy
  • Helps reduce stress
  • Better sleep
  • Quality time with others
  • Fresh Air
  • Maintains healthy weight

Walking is ideal for everyone, whether on the home treadmill or around your neighbourhood. 


Crunches are mini sit-ups that help to strengthen your core. Strong abdominal muscles help to hold the spine in place, alleviating back pain— especially from sitting all day. They also help promote flexibility and improved posture.

Better Health Equals Better Results

Incorporating a daily routine of these simple exercises certainly helps your health, but as you follow through long term, you may notice improved focus and energy levels. Even your stress levels will lessen! Overall, your work and home life will come into balance, making you feel happier and well physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Begin your wellness journey with professional physiotherapy services at Versa Movement Collective in Calgary, AB. Their certified, knowledgeable staff will create a customized plan based on your needs and goals, providing the essential information to regain your health.

The sooner you start, the quicker you will see improvement. So schedule your appointment online  or call 403-727-0802 today!

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